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Jun 01, 2015

Tips for Bloating

All you need is healthy lifestyle

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Today I would like to talk about something that concerns all of us. Bloating! Bloating can be very annoying and it can even damage our self confidence. There are many causes of bloating. It can be caused by illness, but the most common cause is our diet and the food that we eat. So today I have some tips to help you deal with this problem.

Food allergies or food intolerance

Some common foods to which people are allergic are dairy products, wheat and gluten. If you find that you are always bloated after a certain food, it may be that you have an allergy. If this is the case, the best way to deal with it is to eliminate foods that cause bloating from your diet and consult your doctor to check for an allergy.

Reduce the buildup of gas

Gas is usually one of the largest causes of bloating. There are two ways in which gas can get into our digestive system. This happens either by swallowing air (this happens when we eat too quickly, or drink a lot of fizzy drinks) or it can be produced by bacteria in the digestive system (gas is produced by bacteria that help digest our food). Some foods such as beans and lentils can causing more bloating than others. If you have problems with bloating, then try to avoid these foods, eat slower, don't eat big portions and do not drink too many fizzy drinks. Peppermint tea can also help reduce bloating.


Dehydration can also cause bloating. In this case it is water that causes bloating and not gas. It is because our body knows that it is dehydrated and tries to keep hold of all water it has. In this case, the answer is simple. Drink more water (1.5 to 2 liters) and stay hydrated!


If you have recently been sick and had to take antibiotics, it can be the cause of your bloating. As I said, in the digestive system, we have many good bacteria that help digest food. If you are taking antibiotics, it can destroy these good bacteria, which means that your digestion is not working as normal and you can be more bloated. To resolve this problem once you have finished your antibiotics, try taking probiotics (these help repopulate the good bacteria in your digestive system).

I hope these tips have helped you with how to deal with some of the common causes of bloating. If you think that none of the reasons mentioned above  cause your bloating and it has been happening for a while then speak to your doctor. If you have any tips or experiences to deal with bloating, why not share them here.


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