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Apr 29, 2015

5 Tips to start the day right

The way we start the day can affect our whole day.

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The way we start the day is extremely important. If our mornings are stressful and panicked then it is likely that is how we will be for the rest of the day. If we start the day in a healthy, relaxed way then the habits will hopefully continue throughout the day.

So to help you and to make your mornings less stressful, here are 5 tips to start your day right.

Plan the day before!

In the morning we can be rushed for time. However there are some things that can be prepared the evening before, which means we are not so stressed in the morning. For example you can choose and layout clothes for the next day, plan the days activities, prepare a packed lunch and even prepare your breakfast (see the next tip)

Have a good breakfast!

When we wake up many of us havent eaten for more than 12 hours. This means our blood sugar and energy levels will be low. A good breakfast can make sure that our energy levels will be high until lunch  and that we are less likely to snack and overeat during the day. If you are short of time prepare your breakfast the night before. One great recipe is to combine porridge, milk and fruit of your choice in a blender. Blend for 30 seconds, place it in the fridge and take it out in the morning! ( I use 60g of oats, 200ml of milk and 5-6 strawberries)

Drink water!

When we wake up in the morning many of us are dehydrated. By drinking a glass of water in the morning we can rehydrate, give our metabolism a boost and help flush out toxins. You can make it even better by having a glass of lemon or cucumber water (look at my posts to see the benefits of these two drinks). Just remember, though coffee can give us a boost because of the caffeine, it wont rehydrate you and may dehydrate you more!


Routines are fantastic timesavers as they allow us to do things without really thinking about (which is lucky because I am barely able to think when I wake up!). If you get up at the same time every day and do things in the same order you will soon see that it becomes automatic and that you get through everything so much quicker.


Ok, I admit that not everyone wants to wake up and do a 30 minute workout first thing in the morning (if you do that is fantastic, keep on doing it!). However a quick 5 minute workout can help clear our minds, wake up the body and get the blood pumping. This can be as simple as a quick bodyweight routine. For example try doing 1 minute lunges (30 seconds each leg), 1 min bodyweight squats, 30 seconds of push ups and 1 minute of jamping jacks followed by 1 minute plank!


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